The Science of the Hulk

Out of all the MARVEL superheroes, one of the most well known is our favourite mean, green fighting machine: the Hulk.

A question we comic book lovers constantly ask is “Could that support hero be real and could I become him/her?”. Well I don’t know about some of them, but here’s what I know about the Hulk.

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Black Holes Suck

Out of all the crazy things we’ve found in space, by far some of the most ominous are black holes. These massive dark objects float around in space sucking in everything and crushing it down to a pulp.

Black holes are remnants of humongous dead stars. After these giant stars start to become less active towards the end of their lives they become extremely unstable due to their mass. At their end of their life they become so unstable that they actually collapse in on themselves and implode cause them to be many times smaller than their original size. It’s at this point they become a black hole.

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The Science of Ant-Man

Just a quick warning: this article will contain some spoilers so if you really want to see the film (and why wouldn’t you?) and for some reason haven’t seen it yet just be aware some plot points may be revealed.

When you become a physics student a lot of stereotypes get thrust upon you. Among the many interesting, funny and just plain stupid, I fit into the category of comic book lovers. As you can imagine because of this I get filled with huge amounts of excitement every time a new MARVEL film comes out.

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Kepler-452b: Could it be our new home?

Unless you’ve been living under some sort of giant rock you’ll know that there was some very exciting news from NASA last week. They released the news to the world that they had discovered a new exoplanet that’s very similar to our home planet Earth called Kepler-452b (a very beautiful and imaginative name).

Upon hearing this news people jumped the gun and started talking about moving to the new planet. NASA finds one new planet and suddenly Earth becomes too mainstream for everyone.

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Four Forces 1: Gravity

Our universe is governed by 4 fundamental forces, each as important as the others. Without them the universe as we know it would completely disintegrate around us leaving a soup of pointless particles.

(If you’re unsure of what forces are and how they work you can check out my article on Newton’s laws of motion here.)

But what are these forces, what do they do and what do they want? Don’t you worry, I’ve done the research so you don’t have to! In this series of articles (Four Forces) I’ll be answering those questions for you.

So without any further ado here is the first force: gravity!

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Welcome to PhysKnow!

Time travel, black holes, teleportation, wormholes, multiple dimensions, alternate universes. This is a list of just a few (of many) incredible, mind blowing things you may have missed out on by not studying physics.

But why should you miss out?

Physics is one of the most incredible subjects where your knowledge can range from calculating the speed of a car to learning about things that appear to have been taken straight out of a sci-fi film. Sadly most people are scared away from the subject by the unbelievably boring things that you have to learning about in the early years of the subject and miss out on learning about this crazy stuff.

But fear not!

My purpose with this site is to inform people about some of this crazy sci-fi phenomena that they missed out on and get them re-excited about physics. So kick back, relax and take a look through some of my posts.

Welcome to PhysKnow.