The Science of the Hulk

Out of all the MARVEL superheroes, one of the most well known is our favourite mean, green fighting machine: the Hulk.

A question we comic book lovers constantly ask is “Could that support hero be real and could I become him/her?”. Well I don’t know about some of them, but here’s what I know about the Hulk.

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The Science of Ant-Man

Just a quick warning: this article will contain some spoilers so if you really want to see the film (and why wouldn’t you?) and for some reason haven’t seen it yet just be aware some plot points may be revealed.

When you become a physics student a lot of stereotypes get thrust upon you. Among the many interesting, funny and just plain stupid, I fit into the category of comic book lovers. As you can imagine because of this I get filled with huge amounts of excitement every time a new MARVEL film comes out.

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